Orlando Car Accident Statistics

Orlando, Florida, has earned quite a reputation for having bad drivers, but some of that notoriety is undeserved. According to Florida car accident statistics, car accidents in the city and the surrounding resort areas happen when distracted or lost tourists run off the road or hit other vehicles. 

Regardless of the drivers involved, recent car accidents in Orlando, Florida, suggest the city has very dangerous roads and highways. Though most minor crashes in Florida fall under the state’s no-fault insurance system, it fails to fully compensate accident victims for their losses. 

With that said, after being in a crash, turn to the Orlando car accident lawyers at Norden Leacox Accident & Injury Law. We’ll analyze your situation and identify all possible sources of compensation to help you recover both physically and financially. Contact us at (470) 801-3000 to schedule a free consultation.

How Norden Leacox Accident & Injury Law Can Help After an Auto Accident in Orlando, FL

How Norden Leacox Accident & Injury Law Can Help After an Auto Accident in Orlando, FL

Norden Leacox Accident & Injury Law comprises a team of experienced lawyers who work to assist injured clients throughout Orlando, FL, as they seek fair compensation. To date, we’ve recovered tens of millions of dollars for our clients.

Our Orlando car accident lawyers have decades of combined legal experience fighting for people who have suffered traumatic injuries. After you suffer an injury caused by someone else’s negligent or intentional actions, our attorneys will provide the following:

  • A free case evaluation to learn about you and your situation
  • Relentless work to persuade insurers to settle your case on fair terms
  • Aggressive litigation in court against insurers who refuse to settle

Car accidents in Orlando can cause injuries that threaten both your finances and health. Contact Norden Leacox Accident & Injury Law to discuss your accident and the financial compensation you can seek for the injuries you suffered as soon as you can.

Are Orlando’s Roads Safe?

Orlando has a high traffic fatality rate and a serious problem with regard to drunk-driving-related deaths and dangerous roads. As such, according to one study, Orlando is said to feature the third-worst set of drivers in the U.S.. Another rated Orlando drivers better but still near the middle, coming in 93rd on a list of 200 top-driver cities in the U.S. 

The good news out of all of these details is that Orlando’s numbers have improved according to the Florida Traffic Safety Dashboard. Using the statistics found within, it can be calculated that the total number of crashes in Orlando fell by over 10% between 2021 and 2022 alone (26,234 to 23,369).

Car Accident Statistics for Orlando

Though the City of Orlando does not provide an exact breakdown of accidents by mode, it has prepared a Vision Zero plan that covers data from a recent three-year period. An analysis of the data provides the following (estimated) breakdown by mode:

What’s most important to glean from the data is that these crashes were not random. The statistics identified several characteristics of Orlando auto accidents, which include the following:

Crash Times

According to the dashboard, the most dangerous time to drive in Orlando was at night, between the hours of 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. 

It’s a timeframe that differs from many other cities, where crashes happen during the evening commute (between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.). It is likely because Orlando has three rush hours: one in the morning, afternoon, and late evening. The latter likely forms given the tourist-driven nature of the city, as visitors often return to their hotels late at night.

Another anomaly arises in the number of crashes reported by day. In most cities, Friday is the most dangerous day to drive. But in Orlando, the most dangerous day to drive (in 2022) was Saturday. Again, you can infer that the difference forms by way of visitors and employees in the tourism industry.

Injuries And Deaths

According to the dashboard, Orlando crashes in 2022 caused 53 fatal injuries and 775 serious injuries that incapacitated the victim.

In its Vision Zero plan, the city reported that 2.40% of all crashes caused a fatal injury, and 28.7% of all crashes caused a non-fatal injury. However, these injuries and fatalities were not equally distributed across all modes.

The breakdown is as follows:

  • 4.53% of pedestrian crashes were fatal
  • 2.50% of motorcycle crashes were fatal
  • 1.73% of bicycle crashes were fatal
  • 0.1% of car crashes were fatal

These numbers highlight the heightened vulnerability of pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists to accidents & injuries. 

Crash Causes

Crashes happen for many reasons. According to the Vision Zero plan, some common causes of traffic crashes in Orlando include the following:

Out of each of these, distracted driving proved the most serious problem, as inattentive drivers caused 221 serious injuries in 2022.

Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Orlando Car Accident Law Firm

Orlando’s car accident statistics reveal how and when crashes are likely to occur. With all of the above information in mind, contact the attorneys at Norden Leacox Accident & Injury Law to discuss your crash and how we can help you recover compensation for your injuries. If you have any questions about a car accident, you can call us to discuss your case.

Our experienced Orlando car accident lawyers work on contingency, which means we only get paid if you do. We handle all car accident cases, including: