Florida At-Fault Accident Lawyers

What should you do if you were partly at fault for a car accident in Orlando, FL? The steps you take after an accident can be crucial–especially if you suffered injuries and vehicle damage in the wreck. Insurance companies and defense attorneys will look to pin the blame for an accident on you if you share any fault. Knowing what to do and hiring experienced legal help will help you gain the financial recovery you need after an accident. 

The Orlando car accident attorney at Norden Leacox Accident & Injury Law can help answer your questions and guide you on the right path after an accident. To learn more about your legal options if you shared fault for an accident, contact our law office at (407) 801-3000 to schedule a free consultation today. 

How Norden Leacox Accident & Injury Law Can Help You After a Car Accident in Orlando, FL 

How Norden Leacox Accident & Injury Law Can Help You After a Car Accident in Orlando, FL 

Our Orlando car accident lawyers will take action for you after you’ve been in an accident. Some important steps we’ll take include: 

  • Meeting with you for a no-risk, free consultation
  • Investigating the crash and who else was involved 
  • Analyzing who was at fault and whether you shared fault or not
  • Collecting evidence to prove your personal injury claim 
  • Documenting your injuries, medical bills, lost wages, and any other losses 
  • Hiring experts when needed to make reports and give testimony 
  • Negotiating with insurance companies for you 
  • Filing a personal injury lawsuit to get the compensation you deserve 
  • Taking your case to trial 

Our experienced Orlando personal injury attorneys are ready to work for you. With over 100 years of combined legal experience and millions secured for car accident victims in Central Florida, we have the knowledge to help you navigate the difficult process after an accident. 

What Should I Do After I Think I Caused a Car Accident? 

An important thing to remember is not to admit fault after any car accident. Even if you think you were at fault, do not say so. The other driver’s insurance company will use your statements against you at every opportunity. Sometimes, it can be difficult to avoid saying the wrong thing. After all, most people’s instincts are to be polite after an accident or say things like “I didn’t see you” or “I’m sorry.” Any type of statement indicating fault–no matter how innocent–can cause problems for you later on. 

Call for help by emergency services if you are able to after an accident. If first responders are not already on their way, call or ask for help quickly. When law enforcement arrives, be courteous and calm. However, avoid accepting blame for the car accident when making any official statements. 

The most important thing to do after an accident, however, is to seek medical attention. Whether you think you need medical help or not, you should get checked out. Many injuries, such as concussions, internal bleeding, or soft tissue injuries, might not be apparent right away. Getting to a hospital or doctor’s office will help make sure you are OK physically. Medical treatment will also establish a record of what happened in case you need to prove damages in a personal injury claim. 

After any type of car accident, whether you think you share the blame or not, you should also contact a car accident attorney. A car accident lawyer with experience in at-fault accidents can analyze the evidence, collect documentation, and guide you forward after a serious car accident. 

Is Florida a No-Fault Insurance State? 

Florida is a no-fault insurance state. What this means is that drivers must carry personal injury protection (PIP) insurance and other coverage. One key benefit of no-fault insurance coverage is that certain amounts of medical expenses and vehicle damage will be covered for you, regardless of who was at fault. You would not be required to file a claim through the other driver’s insurance policy. Further, you would not be required to prove the other driver was at fault to collect on the claim. 

Florida law sets certain coverage minimums for no-fault insurance and requires drivers to maintain no-fault insurance at all times. 

What Happens if I’m Blamed for an Accident in Florida?

Florida is a modified comparative negligence state for liability purposes. This means you can still recover damages as long as you were less than 51 percent at fault for a car accident. For example, if you were 25% at fault for an accident, and the claim is worth $40,000, your share would be reduced by 25% to $30,000. 

An experienced Orlando personal injury lawyer will strive to reduce your percentage of fault toward zero to maximize your financial recovery in a car accident claim. Always remember that you should still contact an attorney and pursue a claim even if you were partly at fault for an accident. 

Contact an Orlando Car Accident Lawyer for a Free Consultation 

If you were injured in a car accident in Orlando, FL, you could have important legal rights. This is true even if you were partially at fault for an accident. After a serious accident, skilled legal help is available to fight for the fair payment you deserve. The Orlando car accident lawyers at Norden Leacox Accident & Injury Law can help you. Contact our legal team today to schedule a free consultation