
Unsafe lane changes in Melbourne, Florida, can easily lead to collisions that result in property loss and serious injuries. If the accident occurred because another person was negligent and you suffered severe losses, it may be possible to file a claim against them and receive compensation. 

If you’ve been in an accident in Florida, Norden Leacox Accident & Injury Law can help at (321) 334-3929. Our team of Melbourne lane change crash lawyers offers the experience and guidance you need. Learn more about lane change crashes in Melbourne, FL, and how our Melbourne lane change crash attorneys can help. 

How Norden Leacox Accident & Injury Law Can Help After A Lane Change Crash In Melbourne, FL

How Norden Leacox Accident & Injury Law Can Help After A Lane Change Crash In Melbourne, FL

Car accidents often result in serious injuries that can impact entire lives. Suffering injuries means dealing with not only pain but also mounting medical bills and the loss of income that comes from being unable to go to work for days or weeks at a time. 

At Norden Leacox Accident & Injury Law, our team of Melbourne car accident attorneys understands the challenges of being in a collision. 

To help, we offer services that include:

  • Assessing your claim 
  • Investigating the lane change crash
  • Gathering evidence to establish liability 
  • Proving that your injuries are serious enough for a lawsuit
  • Communicating and negotiating with insurance companies
  • Taking your case to court if needed

We have over 100 years of combined legal experience and a fierce dedication to each of our clients. When you work with our Melbourne personal injury lawyers, you’ll receive individualized attention because we’re focused on client satisfaction, not our bottom line. Contact our team to speak with a Melbourne lane change crash lawyer about your accident. 

How Do Lane Change Crashes Occur?

Lane change crashes happen when a vehicle that is changing lanes collides with the oncoming vehicle in the next lane. It can occur if the driver changing lanes doesn’t signal that they’re planning to do so and fails to check whether they can safely make the maneuver or not. 

Distracted driving is one of the most common reasons for these collisions. In 2022, 53,596 crashes in Florida were the result of distracted driving. Someone who’s behind the wheel but not paying full attention to driving will not notice hazards in time. They may not spot another vehicle approaching on the adjacent lane and could forget to use their signal. 

Intoxicated driving can also lead to lane change crashes. Someone who is over the legal drinking limit or who has taken drugs will have impaired reflexes and coordination, making them dangerous on the road. 

Reckless driving is another common cause of these accidents. A driver who doesn’t think about others’ safety and changes lanes rapidly or without looking is breaking the law. Other reckless driving behaviors include running red lights, running stop signs, and tailgating. 

Does Liability Matter In A Lane Change Crash?

Florida is a no-fault state for traffic collisions, so does proving that the other party is liable matter? The answer depends on the seriousness of the injuries you suffered. 

If you’re in a minor car accident that leaves you with bruises, whiplash, and other injuries that don’t require extensive care, you can file a claim against your personal injury protection (PIP) insurance. PIP insurance covers up to 80% of all reasonable medical expenses, up to $10,000, no matter who was at fault. 

Catastrophic injuries, like traumatic brain injuries and broken bones, can result in medical expenses that quickly add up to more than what PIP insurance covers. That is when you have the option of pursuing a lawsuit against the liable party. 

Establishing liability requires you to demonstrate that the other person was negligent in their conduct. 

You can do this by proving three things: 

  • The driver owed you a duty of care 
  • They breached that duty
  • You suffered losses because of their conduct

Keep in mind that you may still recover losses if you were partly to blame for the accident under Florida’s modified comparative negligence law. As long as you don’t hold more than 50% of the fault, you can receive compensation. Your settlement or jury award will be decreased by your percentage of liability. 

Contact Our Melbourne Lane Change Crash Lawyers For A Free Consultation

After suffering losses in a Melbourne, Florida, lane change crash that resulted in serious injuries, one of the best options you have for recovering your losses is to file a claim against the liable party. To do this, you should hire experienced car accident lawyers who know how to tackle the process and negotiate with insurance companies. 

At Norden Leacox Accident & Injury Law, our team of Melbourne lane change crash lawyers can help you understand your rights and file for compensation. Contact our team to schedule a free consultation.